Veta Vita Vegetarian

Vegetarian home cooking posted randomly as it is created by me or researched and attributed to others.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Veta Vita Vegetarian

My name is Felicia and I am a vegetarian. Yes it seems strange to some but eating meat just doesn't meet my fancy. Some don't eat meat because they feel for the animals... while others just don't like it. I fall into both categories but the main reason why I chose not to consume is because I am healthier without it. Organic and man made proteins like tofu and Satan have no Trans fat, less calories, and they feel lighter in the stomach.

Living in New York I am not part of a dying breed. There are many vegetarians here to keep me company and many restaurants that cater to my needs. But, I still meet vegetarians who do not know how to wean themselves off of the Boca and Morning star Farm products and venture into cooking for themselves. Not that I really have time to cook. But when I do I make large portions and freeze. This way I always know what goes into my mouth and I am in control of my body.

This blog is dedicated to adventurous vegetarians and meat eaters alike: live well, breaths well, eat well!


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